Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yi Jie Qi

Yi Jie Qi









梁静茹「Cest La Vie」




——Before 2007











「I Believe」







No Name「你最明瞭」





鄭中基「Bed Time Story」




Andrew Tan

Andrew Tan @ 陈势安

Astro Talent Quest 2006- 1st Runner Up
International New Talent Singing Championship 2006 (Hong Kong)- Champion
Music Industri Award 2008 (AIM)- Best Chinese Album

Kah Jun

出生|馬來西亞 雪蘭莪
生日|4月 16日
學歷|Honors Degree of Business
口头禅|Hey Hey
喜愛的藝人|周傑倫、Jason Mraz、陳奕迅、Brian McKnight、Emi Fujita
喜愛的電影|Shaw shank redemption, click, Journey to the centre of
the world, 不能說的秘密
喜愛的歌曲|One last cry, piano man, I’ll be there for you
最失望的事|A-Level 的成績
★ 小學時期/獲得兩屆唱歌比賽冠軍。
★ 小學時期/繪畫比賽獲得多次冠軍。
★ 中學時期/獲得跆拳全國亞軍。
★ 中學時期/為音樂多次鋼琴演奏。
★ 中學時期/曾是籃球、羽球、跆拳道校隊。
★ 中學時期/擔任三屆華文學會主席。
★ 大學期間/曾為音樂學院到各地表演以及擔任司儀。
★ 大學期間/曾為學生團體做多次演出。
★ 2007年/8TV《絕對Superstar》50強。
★ 2007年/Astro《新秀歌唱大賽》40強。
★ 2008年/Astro《新秀歌唱大賽》10強。

Xiao Wei Wei

★薇Wei★ (小薇薇)是一位在华语歌坛,拥有多年丰富经验 杰出歌手。★薇Wei★ (小薇薇)优美动人的歌声及落力的 出,曾荣获多项奖项,受到娱乐界的肯定。

An established local Chinese singer / performer, ★薇Wei★ (小薇薇) had won multiple awards in recognition of her beautiful vocal and a commanding stage presence.

Do checkout ★薇Wei★ (小薇薇)'s music video at her Media Box below. For much more of WeiWei's music video, please go to ...

Will Ng


從當上民歌餐廳歌手開始﹐經歷了一段長達8年對音樂的堅持及苦等﹐終于拥有了属于自己的EP及專輯。而凭首张专辑在《2008娱协奖》一举拿下6奖成为人气急升的金奖新人王,除外也为他带来了更多的荣耀,包括: 《第16届马来西亚音乐工业奖》最佳中文专辑。


|中 文 姓 名 :黃 威 爾
|英 文 姓 名: WILL NG
|性 別:男
|出 生 日期:1979 年 9 月 15 日
|出 生 地:馬 來 西 亞柔佛新山
|星 座/血型:處 女 座 AB 型(傳說中最難搞的星座和血型, 我其實很隨和)
|生 肖:羊
|體 高:177 公 分(向橫發展當中)
|體 重:65 公 斤(向上發展當中)
|腰 圍:32 寸( 無限量的擴張當中)
|掌 握 的 語 言:華 語 、 英 語
|最 擅 長 的 樂 器:吉他



血型: B+
最喜欢的歌手:张惠妹、孙燕姿z 89;萧亚轩、潘玮柏

Sex : Female
Age : 24
D.O.B : 14 December 1985
Horoscope : Sagittarius
Blood : B+
Height : 163cm
Weight : 47kg
From : Johor
Education : Diploma
Hobbies : Singing, Chit Chat, Internet
Language : Mandarin, English, Malay

Wee Meng Chee (Namewee)

Wee Meng Chee[1] (traditional Chinese: 黃明志; simplified Chinese: 黄明志; pinyin: Huáng Míng Zhì; Hainanese Pinyin: Wee Meng Chee) (born 1983 in Muar, Johor[1][2]) is a Malaysian Chinese and formerly an undergraduate student majoring in Mass Communication at Ming Chuan University, in Taipei, Taiwan ROC. He is also commonly known under the alias Namewee.

Wee gained notoriety after releasing a controversial song fused with the national anthem of Malaysia, Negaraku, which describes the state of the country and its government. In the following weeks, the song increasingly drew both praise and criticism from various quarters of Malaysian society, and prompted the government of Malaysia to voice the possibility of action against Wee.

In addition to studying abroad, Wee composes and performs hip hop music in various languages, releasing several songs with complementing music videos on YouTube. Among the songs released by Namewee include Muar's Mandarin (麻坡的华语) and Kawanku, a critical song directed at Malaysian Chinese and Malay people.

Despite the controversy surrounding Negarakuku, Wee released his first, self-titled album, 明志 Namewee, in Malaysia on September 3, 2007,[3] The album was completed in May,[4] and does not contain Negarakuku.[5]

Yu Heng


英文名 : Yu Heng Chow
出生地點 : 吉隆坡
身高:157 cm
體重:43 kg
收集品 : CD 、 書本 、Polaroid & lomo 相機
喜愛的演員:Bruce Willis、Julia Roberts (還有很多…)
喜愛的歌手:Death Cab For Cutie、王菲 ( 還有很多…)
喜愛的食物:椰漿飯、鹵肉飯、牛角包、雲吞面、蛋餅+奶茶 ( 還有很多…)

Wong Lan Yin

王蓝茵 人物简介

爱好:音乐电影文学、部落格 喜爱歌手:大无限乐团、MEW、五月天 喜爱电影:《情书》、《阿甘正传》(Forrest Gump)、《千与千寻》 择偶条件:有想法、最重要对爱情要坚定,两个人一起完成很多事。


发表过的作品:《王子》【《新乐兵》合辑】、 《如果的事》【范玮琪《一比一》】、 《恶作剧》【《恶作剧之吻电视原声带》】、 《明信片》 【《骨中作乐合辑》】、 《乘风》【《想飞电视原声带》】由Carlsberg HOTtracks荣誉呈献、联邦直辖区娱乐新闻从业员协会主办的《2006年娱协奖》 第一次参与娱协盛事的王蓝茵就以2首创作歌曲与其他前辈竞艺,实力备受肯定。 王蓝茵得3 奖,并凭《如果的事》成功夺下 【国际组最佳原创金曲奖】,在公布【特别推荐奖】时,她更是一脸惊愕。《2006娱协奖》的特别推荐奖是当晚颇受议论的奖项。 此奖由新冒起的女唱创人王蓝茵获得。 三首分别为《恶作剧》《如果的事》及《你在哪里》, 后来《你在哪里》更发生抢歌事件,最后因为范玮琪先发片而不得不忍痛割爱。 专业评审张映坤对王蓝茵的评价颇高,认为她虽尚未能独撑一面, 但在创作方面已有不俗的表现,所以在她的创作生涯起步应该给予她鼓励。 他表示,除了台面上的歌手外,其实也需要栽培在幕后默默耕耘的音乐人, 他说,王蓝茵的词曲和弦律都很感动人心。 ●王蓝茵【特别推荐奖、十大原创歌曲奖国际组、国际组最佳原创金曲奖】 “特别推荐奖”是很意外的奖项,我到现在还没有进入状况, 我当场还错愕了一下呢!我会继续努力的, 我一直觉得信心不够,今次可以得到大家的肯定,我会更加努力做好音乐。《如果的事》是我在大学二年纪,暗恋一个男生时写的,把我暗恋的感受写在歌里。 我不会再给自己压力,之前对自己太没有信心了, 现在我会做好本分,得到的奖项,不是压力,那是鼓励




她 的作品逾有60首,当中包括由范玮琪和张韶涵合唱的《如果的事》,另一首是写给本地民歌餐厅驻唱歌手的《王子》。值得一提的是,台湾收视冠军偶像剧《恶作 剧之吻》的片尾曲《恶作剧》,乃由她一首包办词曲创作,更被导演瞿友宁相中担任演唱者,让她一尝当歌手的滋味。








Danny One

名字 : 温力铭 Danny One
性别 : 男
国籍 : 马来西亚
语言 : 华语、英语、巫语、粤语
身高 : 174cm
体重 : 54Kg
生日 : 17-7-1980


2002年《COOL》 EP - EMALE
2004年《LOVE ABOVE ALL》- 首张个人创作辑
《101次求婚》电视原声带 (中国版)
《101次求婚》电视原声带 (台湾版)
《The Only One Remix EP》
2007年《Danny 2.0》
2008年《ALL IN ONE 精彩7年音乐路_ 原创全纪录新歌+精选专辑》

乐坛成绩单 / 演出记录:

2002 年

  • 加入马来西亚男生组合 EMALE,推出专辑《COOL》
  • EMALE 成为马来西亚十大歌手之一
  • 擅长 RAP,为马来西亚歌手雁卿、年少跨刀撰写 RAP 及 Featuring RAP 的部分

2003 年

  • 张智成专辑《 Listen To Me 》 收录2首 Danny 创作--诗人及莫非定律
  • 参与南洋十大慈善义演,全国巡回演出超过30场

2004 年

  • DANNY 作个人发展。
  • 参加马来西亚文化及旅游部主办马来西亚艺人培训课程。
  • 单飞后,首度参与《第5台》“同欢共庆”巡回演出,获得年轻朋友的极佳反应。
  • 投入首张个人专辑《 LOVE ABLOVE ALL 》的制作。7月推出首张个人大碟《 LOVE ABOVE ALL 》,音乐创作获马来西亚媒体及音乐界高评价。
  • 新专辑2首歌曲被选为“冬季恋歌”女主角崔智友主演中日韩合资电视剧“101次求婚”插曲,电视原声带11月全亚洲发行。
  • 新歌Love & Freedom获香港组合BOYZ公开称赞;同时也获得金曲奖新人林俊杰公开表示欣赏Danny的才华。
  • 新歌Love & Freedom成为马来西亚第5台“我们的排行榜”及988精彩声势排行榜冠军歌曲。
  • 任2004年娱协奖颁奖典礼表演嘉宾。
  • 创作作品“COOL” 获入围2004年度娱协奖十大原创歌曲(本地组)奖20强。
  • 创作作品“诗人”获入围2004年度娱协奖十大原创歌曲(海外组)奖20强。
  • 创作作品“诗人”获2004 年度娱协奖十大原创歌曲(海外组)十大金曲奖。
  • 全新广东单曲“贱人”成为988精彩声势排行榜冠军歌曲。
  • 被选为T HOP星魅中文DJ竞赛活动代言。
  • 晋身制作人行列,为瑞华唱片马来西亚女新人制作主打舞曲。
  • 被选为新加坡“TALENTZ SEARCH 2004/2005”活动代言,并创作新歌“因为有爱”连同新加坡2 年轻歌手合唱。
  • 参与988全球华语音乐排行榜“星光加冕音乐会”演出,获得海外音乐人媒体及歌手的高评价。
  • 《LOVE ABOVE ALL》获选988年度十大专辑之一,《贱人》获选20大年度金曲。
  • 《LOVE ABOVE ALL》获选第五台“我们的排行榜”年度十大金曲。

2005 年

  • 2005年2月份发行海外版专辑《CRAZY》
  • 获2005年南洋十大歌星颁奖典礼最佳新人奖金奖及十大歌星奖。
  • 凭写给张智成的“诗人”获十大歌星颁奖典礼最佳作曲奖及最佳金曲。
  • 制作新人女歌手BANU主打舞曲“废话”
  • 连同年少、林健辉及张智城参与988飞跃槟城好LIVE音乐会
  • 获澳洲SYN FM90.7电台推荐Love Above All专辑里两首歌曲,获得当地听众询问,电台决定为Danny制作一个特辑特别介绍DANNY的音乐和创作
  • 参与《TVB8反毒演唱会》表演嘉宾
  • 制作马来西亚男新人林健辉的全新华语专辑
  • 代言全中国舞领天下QQ舞王争霸赛,创作及演唱《动动你》中国QQ舞蹈争霸赛主题曲。
  • 远征中国北京、上海、武汉及成都为代言的舞蹈争霸赛活动任表演嘉宾
  • 任《全球华语歌曲排行榜颁奖典礼》开幕表演嘉宾
  • 演唱Sony Ericsson W800I Walkman Phone广告歌曲
  • 代言Green Love饮料,为产品拍摄电视广告及宣传照


  • 《因为有爱》被选为2006年中国大学生电影节主题曲
  • 制作林健辉第2张EP《右边的林健辉》
  • 赴北京为中国著名女演员张静初制作单曲《因为有爱》
  • 受邀亮声张觉隆新专辑,联合张觉隆制作新歌
  • 连同GUESS手表国际名模Amber Chia及Irene Santiago演出马来西亚首部多媒体互动偶像剧《三个女人一张床》
  • 创作及制作电视剧《三个女人一张床》主题曲
  • 为马来西亚女歌手雁卿制作新歌
  • 在中国大陆推出专辑,往中国展开巡回宣传活动
  • 《COOL》 -- 收录在 EMALE 第二张 EP 《COOL》
  • 《诗人》 -- 收录在张智成《Listen To Me》专辑
  • 《莫非定律》 -- 收录在张智成《Listen To Me》专辑
  • 首张个人专辑《Love Above All》全部10首歌曲
  • 海外版专辑《CRAZY》,加了3首全新创作--《CRAZY》、《因为有爱》、《我感觉到》
  • 《废话》--收录在巴奴首张专辑
  • 《世界不会末日》--收录在左边的林健辉专辑
  • 《原来我最爱的人是你不是他》--收录在左边的林健辉专辑
  • 《Bye Bye》--收录在M-GIRLS尼罗河专辑
  • 《靓仔》--收录在The Only One Remix专辑
  • 《摇摆主义》--收录右边的林健辉专辑
  • 《耍花枪》-—收录雁卿Magic专辑
  • 2007年个人专辑《Danny 2.0》全部10首歌曲

Shi Xin Hui

Shi Xin Hui (Chew Sin Huey), also known as Sing Chew (simplified Chinese: 石欣卉; pinyin: Shí Xīnhuì) (born June 23, 1981) is a Malaysian singer, who was one of the five popular new talents emerged from the Channel U's popular singing talent show, Project Superstar 2005 in Singapore. The songbird is well-known in both Singapore and Malaysia.

Shi Xin Hui (Chew Sin Huey), though a Malaysian, was made popular in Singapore as the first runner-up in the female category of Project Superstar 2005, a singing-cum-talent search competition organised by Channel U of Mediacorp, Singapore. She had garnered the highest points (with the highest score of 44/50 from the judges) during the female finals from her delivery of three songs and received positive comments from the judges panel [1]. However, she lost on a popularity voting system which totals up to 70% of the overall score. Despite missing the top spot in the competition, Xin Hui's singing talent is widely appreciated and she has been offered a singing contract by Play Music which is now part of Warner Music.

During her schooling days, Shi Xin Hui actively took part in debates and gave speeches during her primary and secondary school period. She was also involved in campus performances and took up the lead role of a musical and also held a mini concert when she was in university. She had also taken part in Malaysia's popular talent search contest, Astro Talent Quest in the year 2004.

Shi Xin Hui also made many appearance on TV, including her participation in a local mandarin idol drama Dream Chasers as one of the female lead. Other TV appearances of Xin Hui include her hosting a game show that was being showed on channel U, The 7-eleven game show [2], where she is the leader of one of the four teams in the show and each team's objective is to eliminate the other teams by arriving at the designated 7-eleven convenience store and play the games. She also appears on a local talk/debate show, Cross Fire, where she showcases her verbal talents and well-structured opinions on social issues which invite guests to voice out their opinion on a particular topic, and as well as Let's Shoot! and also in music oriented variety show like Music in the Air.

Zhang Jue Long

Zhang Jue Long (張覺隆) is an award-winning composer and entertainer. He is also a fully qualified music producer with extensive experience in the latest music technologies and techniques. Zhang Jue Long has composed, arranged, and produced music in a truly vast array of styles, ranging from pop/rock, R&B, folk, and TV/radio musicals to world music, ambient/experimental music, and dance music. His speed, flexibility, and cutting-edge talent allow him to produce quality jingles and songs in a minimum of time. He has also written several hit songs for Daniel Lee Chee Hun (Malaysian Idol Season 2 winner), namely 你的生日快樂嗎? (Nǐ De Shēng Rì Kuài Lè Ma? / Are You Happy On Your Birthday?), 有機 (Yǒu Jī / Organic Love) and 現在,很想見你 (Xiàn Zài, Hěn Xiǎng Jiàn Nǐ / I Love To See You Now).

Chan Kwok Fai

Chan Kwok Fai, also known as Tate Chan, Chinese name 曾国辉. Malaysian Singer born in Ipoh, Malaysia, Winner of Astro Talent Quest 2005 (Malaysia Astro Singing Competition). Launched his first single in 2006 Believe In Love which is also the advertisement song for Sony Cybershot. Launched his debut album VOIS in 2007 under Two Formation Management. In the year 2008, signed under EMI, Tate finally released his re-package album, SMILE consisting of three new songs including all the other songs from his VOIS album.



Cheryline Lim (born 10 March 1983 in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Borneo) also known as Che'Nelle is a R&B singer-songwriter and producer signed to Virgin Records America. Her father is a Borneon-born Chinese, and her mother is a mixed of Kadazan and Dutch heritage.[1]

Dixon took her material to Virgin Records and Virgin flew Che'nelle to New York at the end of 2005 to meet with representatives from the label. The chairman of the label and longtime music business baron, Jason Flom, signed her immediately. Within two days, she had completed the deal and was marketed as a world-class artist. Che'nelle worked as a promotions assistant before moving to New York in January after signing a six-album deal with Virgin Records America. In Australia, she is represented by EMI. She performed as the opening act on Kanye West's Australian tour in March 2006.

Her debut album Things Happen for a Reason was released on 25 September 2007 in Japan and 29 October 2007 in Australia. The first single from this album was "I Fell in Love with the DJ" featuring reggae artist Cham. The song was also produced in Bahasa Malaysia with the title of "DJ yang Ku Puja".

Gary Cao

Gary Cao
(born July 9, 1979 in Kota Belud, Sabah, Malaysia), also known as Gary Chaw or Cao Ge is a popular Taiwan based Malaysian singer-songwriter who has had achieved huge success in Taiwan, Malaysia, Hongkong, and Singapore. He is renowned for his great stage charisma, wide vocal range, and rich voice. In addition, he does a lot of composing for himself and other singers as well.
He received his early education in Canada. He went on to continue his studies at Auckland University, New Zealand when he was 16, getting a degree in Architecture.

In 2006 he won Hong Kong TVB's Newcomer Singer award and has since released three albums. His big break occurred with the release of his Mandarin version of Karyn White's 1988 song "Superwoman". Cao wrote some chart-topping songs in Taiwan sung by S.H.E, Cyndi Wang, and Aaron Kwok.

In a recent interview with MTV, Cao admits (fluently in English) that he is a shy guy who doesn't express himself well through words but well enough in the songs he sings. His early influences came from admiration of Stevie Wonder and R Kelly.

He is one of the rising singers that has been compared to Wang Lee Hom and Jay Chou

He won an award in the 2008 Golden Melody awards in Taiwan , bagging the Best Male Mandarin Singer award.He is also dubbed "Little Heavenly King" by the press , and also 歌王(Melody king), and his most recent concert tour of asia , "Welcome To My World" was a great success.


Z-Chen Chang (traditional Chinese: 張智成; simplified Chinese: 张智成; pinyin: Zhāng Zhìchéng, born May 8, 1973) more commonly known as Z-Chen, is a Malaysian singer that has successfully made his name in the Taiwanese music industry. To some of his fans, he is known as "The Little Prince of R&B" (R&B小王子). Z-Chen originally signed with HIM International Music in 2002, but his contract was bought out in 2006. His cousin is Fish Leong, whom he lived with during their younger years.

Victor Wong

Victor Wong Pin Kuan is a Malaysian Chinese singer who has made his name in the Taiwan music scene. He was born on February 26, 1972.

He formed a duo group with Michael Wong named Michael & Victor (无印良品 wu yin liang pin) in 1995 when they first started out as singers under Rock Records. They attained much success in Taiwan but decided to break up in 2000 to pursue solo careers. He has 9 solo albums to date.

Quincy Tan

Quincy Tan Jin Hong Simplified Chinese: 陈仁丰, Traditional Chinese: 陳仁豐, Pinyin: Chén Rénfēng); born Jan 10, 1982, is a popular Malaysian singer-songwriter who won Best New Comers in the 8th Asia New-Singer Singing Competition in Shanghai, China in 2005. In March 2006, he released his first debut EP titled Quincy 陈仁丰 EP2006.[1][2] He is a Taoist.[3]

Quincy Tan was born in Kuala Lumpur on 1982-01-10. His musical ability had been noticed as a young child. Since then, he taught himself to play the Electone organ, piano and guitar. He was named Champion in a Yamaha Electone Organ Competition in primary school and amazed the professional judges by his self-learning and learn-by-ear abilities.

Besides music, Tan was active in sports as a teenager. He played volleyball, and participated in track and field. He composed his first song at the age of sixteen.

Tan studied Electronics Engineering at Multimedia University. He graduated in 2006 with a First Class Honours Degree and is a member of the Golden Key International Honour Society; his academic fees were covered by scholarships for excellent academic achievement.[1][4] His music talent was spotted in 2002 by his current record label, Mainstream Music, a fee for service artistic development label. He had professional vocal training and music composing before starting his professional musical career in 2006.

Penny Tai

Penny Tai (born April 22, 1978) is a Malaysian Chinese singer and songwriter in the Mandarin pop scene. Since her debut in 2000, she has released seven albums.

Penny Tai was born in Johor, Malaysia, to a Hakka family. She started song-writing at the age of 17, participating in the Halo Song-writing Contest [1] in Kuala Lumpur, a platform which also launched the career of fellow Malaysian singer, Fish Leong. In 1999, she was offered a contract by EMI Music (Taiwan) and moved to Taiwan pursue a career in singing and song-writing. She released her self-titled first album, Penny, in January 2000.

She is marketed by her company as a talented singer-songwriter who is responsible for both the compositions and performance of her songs. Every single song Penny has recorded so far is written and composed by herself.

In 2006 she won Best Composer at the Golden Melody Awards for the song "Crazy Love" (title track to her 2005 album).[citation needed]

Her most popular song to date internationally was the end theme for the Taiwanese drama "Meteor Garden" and "Meteor Garden 2" entitled Ni Yao De Ai (The Love You Want).

Nicholas Teo

Nicholas Teo, born November 29, 1981, also known as Nicholas Zhang, is a Chinese-Malaysian singer signed under Play Music. Before returning to Malaysia, Nicholas was studying in Taiwan, where he won the Best Singer in a competition among all the Taiwan universities. Thereafter, he was approached and asked if he would sign up with a company as a back-up singer (backing vocalist, to harmonize with the lead vocalist), which Nicholas subsequently ignored. He returned to Malaysia without finishing his studies and participated in the singing competition “2002 Astro Talent Quest”. Nicholas won first place with the song 黃昏(Huáng Hūn), originally sung by Zhou Chuan Xiong. This led to Nicholas signing a contract in Taiwan with Music Street in 2003. On June 18, 2004 he released his first album 首選張棟樑 (“1st Choice Nicholas”). Music Street eventually merged with Warner Music. Play Music is a record label subsidiary of Singaporean company Musicstreet Pte Ltd. In 2006, Nicholas received the 2006 Hito Newcomer Award in Taiwan. He also successfully completed his From Now On Concert Tour covering stops in Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia within the first half-year of 2008.

Rynn Lim

Rynn Lim Yee Chung (Chinese: 林宇中; pinyin: Lǐn Yuzhōng) is a Chinese singer from Malaysia. He acted once in a first collaboration drama of Malaysia Media Prima Berhad and Singapore MediaCorp Studios Pte Ltd.

Lin Jian Hui

Lin Jian Hui (Eric) (traditional Chinese: 林健辉; pinyin: lín jian hui) is a Malaysian singer (born August 11, 1982) who got his break at the Astro Talent Quest (Astro 新秀大赛)competition in 2001 when he came out in first place. He subsequently represented Malaysia at the Asian level competition, held in China.

After the competitions, he worked with Astro as a presenter, among other jobs. He subsequently went to Beijing and participated in the recording of several shows for WA-TV, an Astro venture in China.

In November 2007, Lin Jian Hui left for Taipei, Taiwan to participate as a PK contestant in the hit TV competition One Million Star (超级星光大道).

Karen Kong

Karen Kong
(Simplified Chinese: 龚柯允, Traditional Chinese: 龔柯允) is a female singer from Labuan Island, East Malaysia.

Karen Kong (or Karen K to her fans) is a Malaysian singer of Chinese ethnicity. She was a student of S.M St Anne, Labuan, S.M.K Labuan, Tunku Abdul Rahman College and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. She was a participant in Malaysian Idol in 2004, but she was eliminated in the first round.

Kong's debut single was launched in January 2007. She immediately garnered attention due to her entire album being written in Malay, which is quite unusual for an ethnic Chinese artist in Malaysia. Her debut EP also includes her singles Cinta Hello Kitty and Ku Tak Upaya, both penned by fellow Malaysian songwriter Asmin Mudin (writer of Malaysian Idol Jaclyn Victor's Gemilang).[1] Both were featured on several radio station top charts including ERA, Xfresh and others.

On 15 January 2007, Kong released her full Malay album, Mulakan, which not only featured the debut single, but also nine other tracks including Na Na Na Nada Cinta, a remake of the Japanese song La La La Love Song by Toshinobu Kubota.

On 17 July 2007, she made a first in the Malaysian music scene by being the first artiste to hold a web concert. In September, she announced her plan to produce a Mandarin album (and her Chinese stage name, as stated above). The album, titled Showtime, which has since been finished and scheduled for release on 27 October[2], however, hit a snag when it was found that retail stores refuse to distribute or sell the album. This lead her company to only sell her album in a 50-leg promotional tour around the country.[3]

In year 2009, Universal Music decided to bring her international recognition by re-launching her career in Taiwan. The new album I'm Karen released on 10 July 2009 to serves as an introduction of the rising star to the Chinese music fans. It comes with songs from her first Chinese album Showtime plus four new songs, including the first plug AEIOU (a remake of The Ting Tings' Great DJ, famously featured in the trailer for Slumdog Millionaire).

Michael Wong

Michael Wong (Chinese: 王光良; pinyin: Wáng Guāngliáng), born August 30, 1970, is a Malaysian Chinese singer and composer. Wong began his singing career in a duo with Victor Wong. The pair had attained notable success in Taiwan, but in a mutual agreement the two split in 2000. Wong has released five solo albums, the third being his breakthrough album Fairy Tale.[1] He also enjoys success as an actor in Chinese dramas and movies.

Born in Ipoh, Malaysia to a Hakka family of six as the third child amidst two older brothers and one younger sister, the first step of Michael Wong's journey in the world of music began when his parents invested into a piano (a semitone lower) for him and his younger sister. Wong was ten years old at the time. He then began to accompany his six year-old sister to attend piano lessons together. He has practiced the piano for seven years since then.

Wong, as a devout Catholic, often sang in the church choir during his school days and was once a choir teacher at a church. Graduating from Sam Tet School in Ipoh, Wong often participated in musical performances in school and has been writing his own songs since secondary school. Arriving in Kuala Lumpur (the capital city of Malaysia) to pursue a course in computer engineering, and his interest in the world of music and music composition began to grow.

[edit] Wu Yin Liang Pin (無印良品)

Entering from up to 30 singing competitions in town in a single year, where he managed to surface as the winner several times, were also the stepping stones to his successful singing career today. Finally noticed by Asia Pacific Music in the Pioneer karaoke contest, he started to learn Audio Engineering at Ocean Institute Of Audio Engineering during his contract with Asia Pacific Music as a recording artist. After his graduation, Michael produced his first album with two other college mates, Chan and Tan. With the joining of Victor Wong as a singer during that period, they submitted the album, with the theme song written by Michael, "掌心“ (The Palm) to Rock Records, which in turn, signed them up almost immediately. They then formed a duo group known more commonly known in Malaysia as Michael & Victor or Guang Liang Pin Guan (光良品冠). In Taiwan and China, they were mostly known as Wu Yin Liang Pin (無印良品), a name given by their record label in Taiwan.

[edit] The split

The duo then arguably became the first Malaysians to attain much success in the music scene in Taiwan. Their albums managed to hit the top notch both locally and in Taiwan as their debut album went platinum in both Malaysia and Taiwan. After a few splendid and successful years together as a duo in the Chinese music scene, during which the pair bagged countless awards for their success, Michael and Victor then decided it was time to part cordially and go their own ways in the music scene as solo singers in year 2000.[1]

[edit] Solo career

Not long after the announcement, Wong worked hard to compose and write new songs for his new solo album, Michael's First Album (第一次個人創作專輯; Dì Yī Cì Gè Rén Chuàng Zuò Zhuān Jí), which performed above expectation.[1] Although Wong's company promptly decided that he should produce his first solo album on his own, he did not agree straight away. This is because he was not confident that he was skillful enough to produce one whole album all by himself. However, after much contemplating, Wong finally accepted the challenge and was successful in breaking away from the Michael & Victor mould. Other than working on his own album, Wong also found time to co-produce other singers' albums like Rene Liu and Fish Leong.

Wong released his second album, Ray of Light (光芒; Guāng Máng), in November 2002. It,then became the number one album, in sales, in Taiwan.[1]

[edit] Fairy Tale

After releasing two solo albums on his own, his fans had to wait another two years before Wong finally launched his much-anticipated album, Fairytale (Tong Hua). The first single from this album, Fairy Tale, Wong wrote and composed by himself. Wong, who is more of a composer and hardly wrote lyrics, asked about 30 lyricists for suggestions for this particular song. After finally adding a finishing touch to the song with lyrics he wrote himself, he then left it to be arranged and produced by the experienced Japanese producer Taichi Nakamura. After rejecting the first few songs he short-listed himself for the album with his sense of perfection, Wong eventually re-selected some songs himself and finally rooted for his ten favourite songs to be cut into the album, of which six were co-written by himself. His two years of hard work finally paid off when this album immediately attained success, and is critically acclaimed to be Wong's best-selling album yet.[1]

Fairy Tale has proved to be his strongest single yet by shooting up to No. 1 immediately after it was released in January 2005, making it to the top of the download counter Baidu 500 for 15 weeks as Asia was swept by the "Fairy Tale Tornado". The single is arguably the most successful Chinese language song in the 21st Century. As of 2007 it is still among the top in the karaoke charts.[1]

[edit] New contracts

Michael Wong's contract with Rock Records ended on 31 Dec 2004 but he decided to continue to promote for the album, Fairy Tale, released Jan 2005. After the promotion period finished, Wong has made the biggest decision in his singing career by announcing his departure from his long time recording company, Rock Records, in July 2005. After 10 years being contracted with Rock Records, Wong is now officially signed to Amusic. The reason of his departure from Rock Records was because Rock Records believed that since his music was so simple, it was not music. Thus, they ignored him. On TV, someone had claimed that Wong's music was not music due to its simplicity, causing the singer grief. Wong's unstable relationship with Rock Records has encouraged his decision to leave for Amusic. When pressed for comments, Wong firmly and merely stated that he thanked Rock Records for giving him his big break.

[edit] Acting career

His talents and works in the music world aside, Wong also happens to be a worthy actor. Acting alongside Taiwanese singer Richie Ren, fellow Malaysian singer, Ah Niu and famous Cantonese singer/actress, Sammi Cheng, Wong made his debut in the big screen in movie 'Summer Holiday' in year 2000. Next to that, Wong also acted in several TV drama series in Taiwan, such as White Romance (starring alongside Karena Lam), Wintry Night 2, and a several more. Besides that, Wong also did a stunning act in Taiwanese director, Su Chaopin's debut comedy movie, 'BTS'. Besides movies and drama series, Wong also starred in a musical stage drama in Taiwan, 'Mr. Wing' in August 2005.

[edit] Commitment

He has released his new fourth album, entitled 《約定》(Yue Ding / Commitment), which sold 1.5 million copies in less than one month. This is a best collection of many of his past works. There would be a total of approximately 17 tracks on this album. Three self-penned new songs are featured in this new album, which are titled 《約定》(Commitment), 《都是你》(Dou Shi Ni / It's You) and 《擁抱我》(Yong Bao Wo / Embrace Me). The rest of the album will be filled with songs which he wrote for other singers like 《勇氣》[(Yong Qi / Courage)-original singer: Fish Leong)], 《我等你》[(Wo Deng Ni / I'm Waiting For You)-original singer: Rene Liu)] and 《戀》[(Lian / Love)-original singer: Angelica Lee)]. He also included the songs he written and sang when he was still part of the duo, Michael and Victor.

Owing to the overwhelming success of Tong Hua, some critics have expressed their concerns that Tong Hua might only be Wong's one-hit-wonder. His critics were proven wrong as the sales of his fourth album, Yue Ding, exceeded expectations by selling more than a million copies worldwide in a month's time. Wong's fanbase has grown tremendously and has gained much popularity globally. His success as a singer and songwriter has earned him countless awards from Hong Kong, China, Taiwan and Malaysia.

[edit] Further success

Gaining more and more recognition globally, Wong was recently appointed as Tourism Malaysia's ambassador. Earlier before that, Wong's participation in A Music records label in Hong Kong has also gained him more recognition in Asia. He appeared as a guest appearance at the concert of famous Cantonese singer, Leon Lai concert in October 2005.

On June 6, 2006, Wong made it into the Malaysia Book of Records as the Malaysian Chinese Male Composer with the highest number of awards and also for The Best Selling Chinese Album (Tong Hua). Wong has gathered 44 awards,23 which were for his hit song Tong Hua.

Wong has also managed to make it to the nominees' list of the 17th Golden Melody Awards, Taiwan’s equivalent of the Grammys. Wong was holding up against fellow Taiwan-based Malaysian singer Penny Tai and other musical talents like Hu Defu, Chen Xiaoxia, and Yu Yang in the Best Composer Category. Although the award went to fellow Malaysian singer, Penny Tai, Wong expresses that he feels very grateful and lucky to be nominated in this prestigious award ceremony.

[edit] Commitment : Fulfilled

In the past, Wong always felt puzzled and uncertain whenever his fans urged him with the question, "When are you finally having a concert?". Due to circumstances in the past, Wong has never held his own solo concert before and always tried to soothe his fans by making promises to them that he will, one day, finally stage his own solo concert some time soon. And therefore, in year 2006, he finally got the chance to fulfill the commitment between him and his fans.

With just half a year in Hong Kong music scene, Wong who gained more recognition in Hong Kong, was given a golden opportunity to stage his own solo concert. Not only that it is his first time, but it will also be held in the famous Hong Kong Coliseum where almost every Chinese singer dreams to stage their own concert. Apparently, he is the first Malaysian singer to do so. Although a bit worried about the amount of audience turning up that night, Wong's fear has been proven to be unnecessary because his concert tickets was sold out after being available for purchase in only 5 days. Wong was deeply surprised and delighted and thanked his fans greatly for their utmost support to his music. Wong completed his much-anticipated first solo concert in the Hong Kong Coliseum on the 29th of March and the success of the whole concert was undeniable. His concert is entitled 'Michael's First Fairy Tale Concert 2006'. Wong has managed to make his mark in everybody's heart with his love for music. After that, he will set to return to his homeland, Malaysia in September to stage a concert there as well.

His second concert, titled 'Michael's Commitment Concert Malaysia 2006', was held on the 1st of September in the Putra Indoor Stadium in Malaysia. After about a few weeks of selling tickets, all were sold out. Due to the overwhelming response, Wong and his company decided to stage his concert there for two nights. Wong was very delighted and grateful that his fans are so supportive and stated that he hoped these two concerts will allow him to introduce his country, Malaysia to his fans from other countries, playing the role as Tourism Malaysia's envoy. His two shows in Malaysia guaranteed a fun-filled night where fans enjoyed Wong's soothing, self-written songs.

Wong released a compilation called Michael 1996-2006 the greatest hits on May 16, 2007.[2]

On November 9, 2007, Wong released his 5th solo studio album, Never Apart.[3]

Fish Leong

Fish Leong
(traditional Chinese: 梁靜茹; simplified Chinese: 梁静茹; pinyin: Liáng Jìngrú; born June 16, 1978 in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia with family roots in Shunde, Guangdong, China) is the stage name of Jasmine Leong, a Malaysian Chinese singer in the Mandarin pop scene who has had much success in Taiwan, Mainland China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore and Japan. Leong, known as "the Queen of Love Songs", is famous for her love-themed ballads, many of which have become popular KTV hits.

Leong was born in Kuala Pilah, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia and she grew up in Bahau, a small town where is half an hour driving time away from Kuala Pilah. Her real name is "Leong Chui Peng" (Chinese: 梁翠萍; pinyin: Liáng Cùipíng). She started her career as a cover version singer at Hai Luo Music Cafe. Z-Chen is her cousin.

In her youth, Leong had participated in many local singing competitions and emerged as the winner in a few of them. Veteran singer Jonathan Lee discovered her during a singing competition at Hai Luo. She was then singing a song called Qī Dài (期待) which was composed by her friend. She started her career in Taiwan, in October 1997, after joining Rock Records of Taiwan. It was then that she adopted the name "Fish", because the last character of her name "茹" sounds like "fish" (魚) in Cantonese. Her debut album Yí Yè Zhǎng Dà (一夜長大) was released after two years, only to encounter an earthquake on the day of the album launch promotion (21 September 1999). Her career only managed to take off after the successful launch of her second album Yǒng Qì (勇氣), which means courage. The hit song "Courage" about courage in love and especially in forbidden relationships.[1] From then on, Leong has continued to sing love songs about the different stages of relationships, from first love in "Quiet Summer" to life after a breakup in "Happy Breakup."

Leong has enjoyed collaborations with prominent Chinese songwriters and producers, such as Lee-Hom Wang and Ashin of Mayday, the latter being her fellow labelmate. She has also sung duets with fellow Malaysians and labelmates, Guang Liang, Pin Guan and Yu Heng. Her albums have been best-sellers in the East Asia region, including Singapore and Taiwan, where she is based. Since making her debut in 1999, Leong has released ten solo albums. Her best-selling album The Power of Love had sold in excess of 1.5 million copies in Asia, including more than 300,000, 35,000 and 40,000 copies in Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore respectively. Wings Of Love, her seventh and double-platinum album, topped Singapore’s RIAS sales chart for two weeks and remained within the top 15 positions for more than two months. Her Silk Road album in 2005 had sold 1 million copies in Asia. At the Singapore Hits Awards 2003, she was crowned the Best Female Vocalist. In 2004, she was presented with the Regional (Malaysia) Most Popular Singer prize at the same event. In 2005, she won the Most Popular Female Singer and Regional (Malaysia) Most Popular Singer awards. Her 2006 album "Kissing The Future Of Love" was a hit and topped the Mandarin charts for weeks. A year later, the same feat would be achieved with her 2007 album "j'Adore."

After the success of the Love Parade World Tour 2004/2005, she had performed for another series of world tour concerts (including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Mainland China, Malaysia and Singapore) which took place starting from February 2007. Starting from December 2007, she has a new series of "Today is Our Valentine's Day concerts". The name of the concert came about from Leong's desire to tell her fans that "Although the concert won't be on the Valentine's Day this year, I want to tell my fans that everyday could be Valentine's, when you have the right person next to you,". [2]

Fish Leong recently collaborated with Hong Kong singer/actor Leo Ku in the duet "還是好朋友" for Leo's new mandarin album.[when?]

Eric Moo

Eric Moo Kai Yin (traditional Chinese: 巫啟賢; pinyin: Wū Qǐxián) (born February 9, 1963, Kampar, Perak, Malaysia) is an award winning singer, composer and producer. An ethnic Hakka, his mother died when he was 8, and he was looked after by his elder sister. He is also a permanent resident of Singapore.

His secondary school is one of the famous among the Chinese, the Chinese High School.

Eric started his music career at the age of 17. He started his first band "Subway Band" (Chinese : 地下铁) in high school and he began stage debut in 1983. Eric released his first album in 1984 and the album topped the Singapore's Pop charts. He subsequently launched his singing career in Taiwan. Eric has released over 40 albums and performed over 40 concerts in the past 20 years of his singing career.

Eric now resides in Taiwan with his Taiwanese wife. Since early 2006, Eric Moo has shifted his focus to the China market.

His latest concert is on 6th Oct 2007, at The MAX Pavilion@Singapore Expo.

Danell Lee Chieh Hun

Danell Lee Chieh Hun
(Simplified Chinese: 李桀汉, Traditional Chinese: 李桀漢, Pinyin: Lǐ Jiéhàn) (born July 1, 1982 as Daniel Lee Chee Hun 李吉汉/李吉漢 Lǐ Jíhàn) is a Malaysian singer most notable for winning the second season of Malaysian Idol and he is even video-featured in Singapore's popular youth TV station - CTV.

Ah Niu

Ah Niu (Chinese:阿牛), is the nickname of Tan Kheng Seong (Simplified Chinese:陈庆祥), who was born on August 31, 1976 in Penang, Malaysia. In the late 1990s he was a popular singer in Malaysia and Singapore. He is of the Hokkien or Min Nan dialect group. He studied in Chung Ling Butterworth High School and went on to Inti College, Kuala Lumpur [Major in Film & Theatre (Drama Course), Mass Comm].

In 1997, he was recognized only in Malaysia and Singapore, until Richie Jen (Traditional Chinese:任賢齊, Taiwanese singer) sung his song which became widely popular.[1] In December 1998, Rock Records arranged Ah Niu to expand his singing career in Taiwan. Ah Niu quickly became famous with his nice, simple and unique songs. This was when singers like Rene Liu and Karen Mok asked Ah Niu to compose songs for them. He is now not only popular in Taiwan, but also in China and Hong Kong. He has been a special guest for many concerts around Hong Kong, China and Taiwan. He also starred in the movie Para Para Sakura by Aaron Kwok in year 2001.

"Malaysia Chinese Singer" “大马音乐人”

"Malaysia Chinese Singer" “大马音乐人”

POPULAR MUSIC(Singer/Lyrist/Music Composer):

Che'Nelle also Cheryline Lim - Popular International Pop Singer
Ah Niu (Tan Kheng Seong, 阿牛/陈庆祥) - singer
second season of Malaysian Idol
Danny One (温力铭) - singer
Daniel Lee Chee Hun (李吉汉) - singer who won the
Eric Moo (巫启贤) - Taiwan-based singer
Fish Leong (梁静茹) - Taiwan-based singer
Guang Liang (王光良) - singer
Karen Kong (龚建诗) - singer from Labuan island, East Malaysia. She performs in Malay, which is quite unusual for a Malaysian Chinese singer.
Lin Jian Hui (林健辉) - singer
Lin Yu Zhong also Lim Yee Chung (林宇中) -singer
Nicholas Teo (张栋梁) - singer
Penny Tai (戴佩妮) - singer-songwriter who won the best composer in the 17th Golden Melody Awards
Quincy Tan (陈仁丰) - singer-songwriter
Victor Wong (黄品冠) - singer-composer
Vinx Lin (林一心) - singer
Wong Lan Yin (王蓝茵) - singer-composer
Yu Heng (邹宇恒) - singer-composer
Z-Chen (张智成) - singer
Gary Cao (曹格) - singer-composer
Namewee (黃明志) - singer-songwriter-music composer
Chan Kwok Fai (曾国辉)-singer,winner of Astro Talent Quest 2005 (Malaysia Astro Singing Competition)
Angelica Lee (李心潔)-singer/actor
Zhang Jue Long (張覺隆)- singer, award-winning composer and entertainer.
Shi Xin Hui (Chew Sin Huey)(石欣卉)-singer,first runner-up in the female category of Project Superstar 2005
Orange (陈慧恬)-singer
Will Ng (黃威爾)-singer
Liu Zhi Wen (刘志文)-singer
Xiao Wei Wei (小薇薇)-singer
Wu Jiahui (伍家辉)-singer
Kah Jun (凌加峻)-singer
Andrew Tan (陈势安)-singer
Yi Jie Qi (易桀齊)-singer
Desiree (陈诗莉)-singer
Amy Wang (王明丽)-singer
Anthony Chang Wee Kuong (郑伟康)-singer,winner of Astro Talent Quest 2006 (Malaysia Astro Singing Competition)
Wayne (王熙强)-singer
Richard (林耀亮)-singer
Dylan Liong (梁佑诚)-singer
Ariel Chang (郑惠心)-singer
Joseph -singer
Henley Hii-singer
Friendz (Friendz组合)-singers,终极天团 Ultimate Power Group champion.
Manhand (Manhand组合)-singers

sourse from: Wikipedia

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